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The Siege of AR558 Timeline Previous Next Your View Series Deep Space Nine Rating Disc No 72 Episode 157 First Aired 18 Nov 1998 Stardate Unknown Director Winrich Kolbe Year 2375 Writers Hans Beimler, Ira Steven Behr Season 7 Guest Cast Annette Helde as Larkin Aron Eisenberg as Nog Bill Mumy as Kellin15 rows · Oct 10, 1993 · Episode cast overview, first billed only Avery Brooks Cmdr Benjamin Sisko Rene AuberjonoisDS9 hasn't done a ton of stories set on the front lines, but even so, there are only so many times we can wallow in the muck of battle before there needs to be a new angle I don't want to stress this criticism too much, because there's enough good here to make up for the familiarity, and

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Ds9 the siege of ar-558 cast
Ds9 the siege of ar-558 cast-Nov 15, 14 · Analysis Like many of Deep Space Nine's best episodes, "The Siege of AR558" is controversial among original Star Trek fans who find the focus onWARNING Spoilers for DS9's "The Siege of AR558" lie just beyond the next ridge In brief A decent war movie, but is it Trek?

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Mar 17, · In "The Siege of Ar558," Nog loses his leg after he's wounded in a Jem'Hadar ambush Two episodes later in "It's Only a Paper Moon," Nog returns to DS9 with a prosthetic leg and suffering from PTSDThe relay has been under constant siege, with the crew defending it overdue to be relieved by a new crew Sisko, Bashir, Ezri Dax, Nog and Quark find themselves stuck on the planet and having to help hold the relay against a Jem'hadar batallion,The arrogance of youth Many a young person thinks they know it all and can do it all, but crumble under pressure That is what this story is about A good subject for a Star Trek story, that gets further elaborated in 'The Siege of AR558' and 'It's only a
Rom is a recurring character on Star Trek Deep Space NineHe is played by Max Grodénchik Rom is a Ferengi, the son of Keldar and IshkaHe is Quark's younger brother, and the father of Nog Overview Born around 2335, Rom did not have the business acumen typically associated with the Ferengi race;Apr 06, 14 · His tenacity paid off in 1998 when he portrayed the doomed Kellin in the powerful seventhseason Deep Space Nine episode, "The Siege of AR558" StarTrekcom caught up with Mumy for an extensive interview in which he filled us in on current events, including an upcoming appearance at the Hollywood Show , and recounted his Trek experiencesDuring a supply run to AR558, Sisko meets a group of Starfleet officers who have been pushed to the brink trying to hold a vital Dominion communications arr
Star Trek Deep Space Nine episode transcripts Siege of AR558 Stardate Unknown Original Airdate 16 Nov, 1998 Holosuite Las Vegas lounge (Rom is singing 'The Lady Is A Tramp', slightly off key Vic is out front) ROM So, what do you think?TREKCORE > DS9 > EPISODES > THE SIEGE OF AR558 > Credits REGULAR CAST Avery Brooks as Captain Benjamin Sisko Nana Visitor as Colonel Kira Nerys René Auberjonois as Constable Odo Alexander Siddig as Doctor Julian Bashir Michael Dorn as Lt Commander Worf Colm Meaney as Chief Miles O'BrienSiege of AR558 While making a supply run to the front lines, on the barren planet AR558, Sisko encounters Starfleet troops that have been decimated during their fivemonth occupation of the largest Dominion communications array in the sector If they can figure out how it works, Starfleet will be able to tap into Dominion transmissions

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Deep Space 9 7x08 The Siege of AR558 Quite a poignant endingMar 26, 21 · (CBS) The Cast Of Deep Space Nine Season 4 THE CAST Every Trek series has benefited from a strong cast, and a discussion of DS9's merits would be incomplete without a mention of the show's particularly vibrant and welldeveloped one perhaps most notably in the episodes "The Siege of AR558" andThis includes Rosalind Chao, Max Grodenchik, Aron Eisenberg, Hana Hatae, Philip Anglim and Louise Fletcher appear in their recurring DS9 roles;

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Reese was a male Human soldier in the 24th century Starfleet Reese served during the Dominion War in 2375 He was assigned to AR558, a planet that the Federation Alliance had captured from the Dominion, under the command of Captain Loomis They were assigned to protect the planet's communication array Other members of the 150person unit included Commander Parker,This is so %100 true about humans, it's how I got after 3 Hurricanes in Florida after losing all my creature comfort'sVIC Not bad, but the lady is

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Is it the homeless allegory Past Tense?Jul 05, 17 · The Siege of AR558 is a masterful piece of Star Trek, and one of the finest episodes of Star Trek Deep Space Nine In some ways, The Siege of AR558 is an episode that has been necessary since the outbreak of the Dominion War at the end of Call to ArmsIt is a story that had to be told at some point in the twoyear stretch from A Time to Stand to What You Leave BehindBrief summary Sisko and company temporarily join the front lines to help hold a Dominion communications array against the Jem'Hadar "The Siege of AR558" was a very odd episode While it managed to be quite powerful in brief moments (particularly much of

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"The Siege of AR558"—essentially a DS9 war movie—is exactly about being neckdeep in the ugliness and impending doom of the front lines The plot brings the Defiant on a supply delivery run to an outpost with a Dominion communications array that has been seized by the FederationDiscuss → TV Shows → Star Trek Deep Space Nine → General K "The Siege of AR558" posted by Knixon STAFF MOD on March 9, 18 at 1100 PM Why didn't they have any of the "little jewels" like Kirk fired at the Gorn(s) on Cestus III?(DS9 "The Siege of AR558") Nog experienced flashbacks to the time he defended AR558 several weeks later (DS9 "It's Only a Paper Moon") After the Federation was defeated at the Second Battle of Chin'toka, AR558 was retaken by the Dominion (DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil") Appendices Background information A map of the Chin'toka system

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Aug 22, 17 · Show Star Trek;DS9 was a gamechanging series with deep, layered characters found not only in the regular cast (Sisko, Kira, Dax, etc), but also in the talented supporting players (Garak, Dukat, Weyoun, Nog, etc) Deep Space Nine is my favorite Trek series Hands down So what's number one on my list?Grumbling to myself, I proceeded to finish watching the episode And the episode, as you all know, was "The Siege of AR558" Not only one of the best episodes of any series of Star Trek, but hands down the one that would probably have sold my dad on the show But to this day I've never managed to get him to give the show another chance

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"The Siege of AR558" is the 158th episode of the television series Star Trek Deep Space Nine, the eighth episode of the seventh season, first aired the week of November 16, 1998 It was written by Ira Steven Behr and Hans Beimler, and directed by Winrich KolbeAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us CreatorsThis episode of "Star Trek Deep Space 9" is unusual in several ways Instead of the usual two plots, there is only one Additionally, the show is grittier and more violent than usual There is a Federation base on AR558a place that used to be under Dominion control

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In 16, The Hollywood Reporter ranked this episode as the 14th best of Star Trek Deep Space Nine They note that it follows up on some of the events of "The Siege of AR558", which they had ranked as 15th best of the series They rated the episode the 56th best episode of all Star Trek episodes todateThe events of "The Siege of AR558" would be mentioned in "It's Only a Paper Moon", Avatar, Book Two, Demons of Air and Darkness and Cathedral and Paths of Disharmony Reese would later appear in the Tales of the Dominion War short story "Requital" Background edit edit source Notable cast and crew edit edit source Avery Brooks as"The Siege Of AR558" works well enough But there's something a little familiar about it;

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He was described as one who "didn't have the 'lobes' for business"Dec 19, 14 · "The Siege of AR558" Written by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler Directed by Winrich KolbeSeason 7, Episode 8 Production episode Original air date November 18, 1998 Stardate unknownAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators

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Oct 21, 19 · Sisko, Nog, Bashir, Dax and Quark are left behind to experience the horrors of ground combat in the 24th century While the show has been skittish on focusing too strongly on the Dominion War (perhaps to its detriment), The Siege of ARGuest actors include Steven Weber as Day, Richard Beymer as Li, Stephen Macht as Krim, and Katrina Carlson as a Bajoran officerThe Siege of AR558 was a brutal engagement during the Dominion War between the ground forces of the United Federation of Planets and the Dominion in mid2375 AR558 was a small planetoid in the Chin'toka system which was assaulted by Federation ground troops after the system was taken during the First Battle of Chin'tokaThe planet housed a Dominion subspace

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Deep Space Nine Episode Particulars S7EP8, "The Siege of AR558" Summary The Defiant is being sent out to deliver supplies to troops on the front lines, with Quark reluctantly tagging along to send a report on conditions to the NagusThe Siege of AR558 (sh Opsada AR558) je epizoda američke science fiction TVserije Star Trek Deep Space Nine, premijerno prikazana 16 novembra 1998 godine Radnja prikazuje kako kapetan Sisko prilikom rutinske logističke misije odluči ostati pomoći izoliranom garnizonu Zvjezdane flote da se obrani od nadmoćnih Jem'Hadar snagaStarring Armin Shimerman, Michael Dorn, René Auberjonois, Colm Meaney, Nana Visitor, Avery Brooks, Alexander Siddig, Cirroc Lofton, Nicole de Boer Summary Stardate Unknown Sisko plans an attack that will allow them to tap in to the Dominion's communication array in the Alpha Quadrant on the planet AR558 He must also find a way of revealing the 'Houdinis';

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